; textlines 7-23, PHONEMES (max 99 chars/line):
; (don't modify them if you don't know the syntax, see above)
; textlines 24-42, Disc-errors:
:Illegal char in position.
:not done
:memory error
:in use
:not found
:disc write-protected
:device not mounted
:disc full
:file is delete-protected
:file is write-protected
:disc is not a DOS disc
:no disc
:unknown problem
; textlines 43-57:
:Save Game/Problem
:Write Game/Problem
:\ N O T s a v e d ! \\
:\ N O T w r i t t e n ! \\
:Load Game/Problem
:Read Game/Problem from text
: A Game/Problem file, not a text-file \
: Line
:, Position
:, Half-move
:\ N O T l o a d e d ! \\
:not a correct chess-file
: could not find (more) readable \ chess-text in the file.
:\ Breaked reading \ at unfittable move!\\ Reading of evt. following game can be tried. \
:\----- C H E S S, eat the king -----\\ (c) E.B.Madsen 1990/91 DK\ Rev:
; textline 58: starttext for Help-texts (100-146, 277-290)
:\\You choosed to
; 59: ram-error
:\ not enough RAM !!!!! \ Drop the text ? \
; textlines 60-76, Position Setup errors:
:Special-position (no black pieces). \White will be able to move around!
:Too many white pawns (max 8)
:Too many black pawns (max 8)
:The black king, but none of the rooks, have castling-right
:The white king, but none of the rooks, have castling-right
:A black rook, but not the king, have castling-right
:A white rook, but not the king, have castling-right
:no white king
:no black king
:More than 2 white rooks
:More than 2 black rooks
:More than 2 white knights
:More than 2 black knights
:More than 2 white bishops
:More than 2 black bishops
:More than 1 white queen
:More than 1 black queen
; textline 77:
: Check of position: --- C A U T I O N --- \
; textlines 78-81, Mix:
; (The shareware and the copyright-message is ignored so don't change them)
:\\ S T O P ? \\
:---- Shareware-version!! #003 ----\\Save/write, max strength, more than 60 moves,\and some other things is therefore turned off.\\Buy the full program (newest version) for £30 ($50) at :\ Programmer E. B. Madsen\ Kastebjergvej 23\ 2750 Ballerup, DK Denmark\to avoid this message and get 10.000 new PIG games!
: K E Y - I N D E S C R I P T I O N
:P I G b a s e 4 v2.5 (c) EBM dk
; textline 82, The piece-letters:
; (First whites then blacks: Tower,Rook,kNight,Bishop,Queen,Majesty,King,
; Enpassant-pawn,Pawn)
; The piece-letters must be unique (Black the same letter, but in CAPITALS).
; Tower and Majesty is just Rook and King that have not yet been moved.
; Enpassant-pawn is a pawn that can be taken en-passant.
; textlines 83-97 is Diverse PIG-BASE requesters texts:
:It is a PIG-BASE file, use the keys:\\ F1 = Select PIG-BASE games and load\ F2 = Load from selected games\ F5 = Save/append this game to a PIG-BASE file\ (F6 = Mark the game as deleted in PIG-BASE file) \
:\ No more games in the PIG-BASE \
:Select a PIG-BASE file:
:Append game to PIG-BASE file:
: orig.
: clear
:Match Variant
: ALL0
: ALL1
: WIN0
: WIN1
; textlines 98-99:
; textlines 100-146 is Help-texts, starts with line 58: 'you choosed to '
:get help for the last used\function. Select one and try again\
:turn-around the board\
:play for white\
:play for black\
:let me play for white\
:let me play for black\
:let me think fast\
:let me think normal\
:let me think best\
:load problem/game from disc\
:read problem/game from textfile on disc\
:save problem/game on a disc\
:write problem/game on printer/textfile\
:go to game-start\
:go a move back\
:go a move forward\
:go to game-end\
:turn-on speaker\
:turn-off speaker\
:change colours\
:start a new game\Select OK or abort with UPS!\
:let field power be shown\
:let field power not be shown\
:change the position\When you are finished, Select OK or abort with UPS!\
:let white turn\
:let black turn\
:setup the start-position\
:empty the board\
:go back to original-position\
:Key in a comment to this\position. If it is the only change, the\ current game will be kept\
:a KING with castling-right\If it cannot be rescued, the game is lost\
:a KING without castling-right\If it cannot be rescued, the game is lost\
:a QUEEN\They are worth around 8 to 9 pawns\
:a ROOK with castling-right\They are worth around 4 to 5 pawns\
:a ROOK without castling-right\They are worth around 4 to 5 pawns\
:a BISHOP\They are worth around 3 pawns\
:a KNIGHT\They are worth around 3 pawns\
:a PAWN who may taken by\en-passant. (take a pawn that\just passed by going two forward\
:a PAWN\They can convert to QUEENS when\they are moved to the last row\
:an empty field\
:move around the pieces\
:stop the game, but aborted\
:go back to the game\
:start a new game\
:save/load problem/game will go on disc
:save/load will write problem/game to printer\(write/read problem/game on disc)
; textline 147-181 is texts to the PGN TAG fields in the filter:
:NIC key
:ECO key
:With info
: =
; textlines 182-200 is unused but have to be there:
; textline 201-220 is texts to the PIG DATABASE:
: Select from the list...
: Alloc: I want memory! \ Please free some if possible.
: games read from :
: games appended to :
:\ Game marked as deleted in PIG file: \\
:\ Press F7 now to undelete again\
:\ Game undeleted in PIG file: \\
:NO LIST !!! first use F1 to Select PIG-BASE games
; 210 is the Help about Function keys (several hundreds chars long):
:\ F1 = Select PIG-BASE games and load\ F2 = Load from selected games\ (F3 = Select and append games to a PIG file) \ F4 = Convert all PGN (CBF) files to PIG files\ F5 = Save/append game to a PIG file\ (F6 = Mark game as deleted in PIG file)\ (F7 = Mark game as undeleted in PIG file)\ F8 = Append a PIG file to a PIG file\ F9 = Convert a PGN (CBF) file to a PIG file\ F0 = Convert a PIG file to a PGN file\ NumL = Show (ScrL=edit) PGN INFOs (TAGS)\ Enter= Edit comments to current position\ Esc = Break TO MOVE IN A GAME: \ Home, Up(10), PgUp(4), Lt, Rt PgDn, Dn, End \ OTHER: M=MakeTable, N/E/K=NIC/ECO/BOTH keys
; 211-220
: games from
: file:
:append to
:Changes made to the game in: \\
: Comments\
: PGN infos\
: Moves\
:\ is it OK to skip the game?\
: of the games could not be converted completely!
:\OK to toggle the delete-mark on the\selected games ?\
; Help texts for the filter (line 221-256), DOES NOT EXIST AS INTERNAL TEXT!
The help icon gives help to the last\activated function in filter
Event: the name of the tournament or match event.\Format: Moscow City Championship
Site: the location of the event.\Format: "St. Petersburg RUS"
Date: the starting date of the game.\Format: "YYYY.MM.DD" e.g. "1992.08.31" or "1993.??.??" \ Alternatives: "YYYY" or "DDMMYY" (1920-2019)
Round: the playing round ordinal of the game\Format: "11"
White: the player of the white pieces\Format: "Tal, Mikhail N."
Black: the player of the black pieces\Format: "Uchess v.2.89"
Result: the result of the game\Format: "0-1" or "1-0" or "1/2-1/2" or "*"
WhiteTitle,BlackTitle: String values such as "FM",\"IM", and "GM" These tags are used only for the\standard abbreviations for FIDE titles.
Not yet used
WhiteElo,BlackElo: these are used for FIDE Elo ratings.
Not yet used
WhiteUSCF,BlackUSCF: these are used for USCF (United\States Chess Federation) ratings.
Position: Only games with the position on-board
NIC: A string; this is used for an opening\designation from the _New in Chess_\database.
Annotator: A name or names in the format of the player\name tags; this identifies the annotator of the game.
Source: Non-standard PGN, to keep a NICBASE field
Info: Non-standard PGN, to keep a NICBASE field
EventDate: A date value, similar to the Date tag\field, that gives the starting date of the Event.
EventSponsor: A string value giving the name of\the sponsor of the event.
Section: A string; this is used for the playing\section of a tournament (e.g. "Open" or "Reserve").
Stage: A string; this is used for the stage of a\multistage event (e.g. "Preliminary" or "Semifinal").
Board: this identifies the board number in a team event.
Opening: this is used for the traditional opening name.\This will vary by locale.
Variation: this is used to further refine the Opening tag.\This will vary by locale.
SubVariation: A string; this is used to further refine\the Variation tag. This will vary by locale.
ECO: String of the form "XDD/DD" where the "X" is a\letter from "A" to "E" and the "D" positions are digits\this is used for an opening designation from\the five volume _Encyclopedia of Chess Openings_.
Time: A time-of-day value in the form "HH:MM:SS"\similar to the Date tag except that it denotes the\local clock time (hours, minutes, and seconds) of\the start of the game.
WhiteCountry,BlackCountry: Non-standard PGN, a three-letter word \e.g. ARG: Argentina, BEL: Belgium, CAN: Canada, DEN: Denmark \ ENG: England, ESP: Spain, FRA: France, GAM: Gambia\ GER: Germany, ISD: Iceland, RUS: Russia, SWE: Sweden
= : Player(s) can be either white or black
Deleted: get the deleted games in a pig file
Max games to show with infoline\(can save memory to allow more games selected)
Comments: Only games with Comments more/less n chars total
Moves: Only games with more/less n full-moves\e.g. Use Moves=30 and Result NOT = 1/2 to get all miniature games.
Variant: games matching n half-moves with current game\If 0 then find the best-matching game(s) and copy\the found NICkey to current game if possible.\
Skip: Skip value, skips/loads the first n games only\Automatically set when last filter couldn't list\all selectable games.
Search position pattern, syntax: .OPTIONS COUNTS QUALIFIERS \\OPTIONS: .RMNWB (Reverse Mirror Nocount White Black) \\ R=Reversed positions too (up/down)\ M=mirorred positions too\ N=free count (of the not-mentioned pieces)\ W/B=Whites/Blacks turn\\COUNTS: 1nN #pP 1-4Q 1B\QUALIFIERS: pc2 Pc7 r7 ba-d7 n7\\ #=free count, b=white Bishop, B=black Bishop\\eg.: 1qQ #pP (all queen endgames)\ .M 1rR 1p ph (all rook-endgames with 1 white edge-pawn) \ .RN bh7 Kg-h8 (find bishop-sacrifices on h2/h7)\\
orig. :\Set filter back to original values.\
clear :\Clear all fields in filter.\
PGN :\Read filter from PGN info.\
append:\Append games to .pig file while the list is created.\Fast!\
:Start/stop analyze (keep the game while)
:Make Analyze to Game (and forget rest of game)
:Return (store the analyze as comment to game)
:\ WARNING! File already exists, OK to write ? \
:Mark some games in the list first!
: 1 games from PGN file: \\
: \\appended to PIG-BASE file: \\
: PGN files converted to PIG files. \\
: See the details in t:AutoPGNtoPIG.LOGFILE \
:Convert all .PGN to .PIG
: 0 games from PIG file: \\
: \\appended to PGN file: \\
:You needs the file req.library placed \in libs: to get the color requester!\\The REQFILEREQUESTER tooltype option is OFF too!
Conversion of .CBF (ChessBase gamefile) to PGN format: \\
\\failed!\\Do you have enough free space in t: (5 times the .CBF size)?\Do you have the cbascii conversion utility in your path?\
; 277-290 is Help-texts, starts with line 58: 'you choosed to '
:(see F5)
:(see F2)
:(see F1)
:(ScrL: open PGN edit window)
:(NumL: open PGN info window)
:(see F8)
:(F10: see F0)
:(see F9)
:(see F4)
:(PrtSc: open theory window)
:(see F3)
:(see F6)
:(see F7)
:(SysRq: open tooltypes setup window)
:Make a tournament table (key M)
:not found (has to be in the same directory as PIGbase)
:not a pig file
:not opened (memory low)
:gave key:
:Create key:\\
; 298-300 Don't change length of 299 and position of the numbers in 300
:\ Table too big to show (max 24 persons)! \\ See the file "t:Table"
; 301-311 texts for Theory tree window, avoid shorter/longer texts here!
: MvNr:'
: Teo=
: Stat=
:- No theory - \
:- End of theory - \
:unknown error
; 313-324 more texts for Theory tree window, avoid shorter/longer texts here!
:Draw values: Statistic:
:Theory: F3=Import
; 326-336 more texts used by Theory tree
:Load theory
: Loading... \
:Theory not (completely) loaded!
:Save theory
: Saving... \
:Theory not (completely) saved!
:Game not (completely) added!
: Searching... \
: Recalculating... \
:added to theory
:Games not (completely) added!
:MOVING: Home,PgUp,up,down,PgDn,End keys\
:SELECT: all1 to select all current in the list\ win1 to select all visible in window\DELETE: Delete-mark toggle the selected games (X=Deleted) \append: Copy the selected games to another PIG file\ (it is much faster to use append in the filter)\
: Bool
; Do not make more textlines (reserved for newer versions)